Sunday, 11 October 2015

Do whatever he tells you.

It is from the Gospel of St. Luke and it is the word of our Blessed Virgin Mary commanding the servers in the wedding feast at Cana to do and obey what Jesus will tell them this phrase makes think and ponder in a very deep sense. I am amazed as I read the further verses that these servants just spontaneously obeyed the word of Jesus without much philosophizing and questioning. I happily found out in the following verses that their obedience bore fruit that is water miraculously turn into wine. As I reflect upon it, an insight flush into my mind and found out that Mary my Mother is always present in people’s life even today and now. She knows what one’s community or family or tribes or society needs I too came to the realization that I, a Salesian religious is like a servant of those Cana time. I am one among many. In addition, our Blessed Virgin Mary is certainly asking me through this message to obey what her son Jesus Christ tells me to do. Hence, the question is what am I to do? Shall I listen to the voice of Jesus and act in order to bear fruit? I feel yes! I must do as a religious.

Life is like music: synchronize it!

Music becomes music only and only if a perfect tune is present, else it’s nothing but a noise or a pure sound. In music there are notes, chords, pitch, scale, an octave and so on. There is therefore a combination of chords that will turn the sound of a musical instrument into a beautiful music. In accompanying the songs or the hymns we have to strictly follow these combinations so as to get a correct and perfect tune.

It naturally happens that within that combination there are one or two chords that come accidentally to that particular set of combination. I simply called it a stranger chord. Of course many called them as accidental chords. These chords do not appear so as to destroy the song; in fact they came in between to add beauty to the sound of the music.

So also our life is like the music. I am a chord say ‘A’ chord or ‘G’ chord and to make my life fulfilled and beautiful I need someone to help me and guide me. So these chords that always there in my life is my parents, my past and present teachers, my superiors, my friends and all those who in one way or the other contribute to the good of my well being. It is also possible that in my life I will meet and face hardship and difficulties like these accidental chords but these aspects will certainly make my life good and beautiful if I accept it and learn from it. So appreciates the chords of life that add meaning and beauty to our existence.

Hearing and imitating may not give us correct knowledge.

Most of our knowledge is achieved through our hearing and imitating I would like to cite this above preposition with the help of these examples.

1. The very word “tomorrow” is learned through hearing and imitating
I truly learned this word through hearing. I heard people talk of tomorrow which means ‘the day after today’ it sounds perfect because everybody and anybody use it. But I personally feel that it is not a fact or say a knowledge that is not real.
Why do I say that way? If I think of this word tomorrow, it remains just a word or a concept because the tomorrow is never there for the tomorrow is nothing but it is today in short, “tomorrow never come.” Tomorrow is just what we are saying, in reality it is not there.

2. The vocabulary I use while I am in the conversation
Here too knowledge is received through hearing and imitating I heard from a professional English professor when he use the complicated and beautiful words in his lecture. So to impress my hearers I use the same words without actually knowing the real meaning of the words which later cause me to shame because the words I imitate is nothing but a wrong meaning. That is how the fact is many of us do use words without actually knowing the meaning of it. . We hear and imitate we see and imitate. So as to conclude with a main heading “hearing and imitating,” don’t always provide us genuine knowledge. The duty of the students of philosophy therefore is not to learn thing so passively but learn with an open minded and with a critical outlook.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

What does mother Mary wants from me?

What does mother Mary wants from me?

An elderly priest once came to our community. In keeping with the Salesian tradition, he delivered to us a well-thought good night based on the motherly love or the “what is the expectation of our blessed virgin Mary from us.” He began his thought by sharing to us about his personal experience. He told that on the 70th birthday of his mother. He and his two brothers went fort to their mother and asked, “Mommy on the special day like this or on your birthday like this would you like us to give an offer you? Their mother with her loving heart looks and smiles at them and said, “My dearest sons, I expect neither silver nor gold from you. I only wish and want from you is happiness in your lives. I want to see you all happy. If you are happy that’s enough for me.”

He concluded thus, so also with our mother Mary. She wants nothing from us especially external matter. In fact she wants from us to be happy. So the thought he gave is that really entered into my soul is “offer her my happiness.” And if I am not happy  or if I find difficulty in my life he told me that I must pray and ask her to help me to be happy always and to share that happiness t others.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

It's just a joke!

It’s just a Joke!

I am extremely happy to notice that many guys in the seminar hall are very peaceful and consent with themselves even though their flexible neck perform itself the Gita Yoga. I turn to my pal who sits besides me and show him the peaceful scenery around. She too was amazed to notice that many dudes perform their disco neck dance. So I tell him to whether give them a gentle kick or not. To my surprise he quotes to me the unknown commandment. “thou shall not disturb for he knows what he is doing!

What is the Christian Identity in India?


The question is actually a big question. It is not fair to concise it to only a paragraph or two. However at this very juncture I would like to limit my self to only one or two paragraphs. The question is what is the Christian identity in India? For me personally I feel that the particular worldview and the vision as Father Mike said matter. We as Christian we should live authentically the Christian world view and the Christian vision. I am amazed to hear that in Christianity in quite many parts of our country. The cast system exists. I consider caste system as an evil or the system of dehumanization. So the question will be is this practices is in unification with Christian world view? I don’t think so! In short so as to conclude I would like to sate that for us Christian in order to have that authentic Christian identity we need to go back to the life of Christ and live the vision and the world view of the real Christian.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Any language I learn is not useless.

Any language you learn is not useless
There are many languages in our country India. The national language is Hindi. Learning Hindi is not useless, it is in fact too useful however Hindi alone would not suffice our well in our country. People converse different languages in many different places. I feel tough and difficult to learn languages in short I think I don’t have that gift of learning language. Many times in my life I come into my thought that learning language is useless for it consume my times and my energy. But I can’t say so. For example, two times I have traveled alone by train. In the southern part people talk Tamil, Telegu Malayalam, etc. in the central part of India many talk Hindi while here in Maharashtra people talk Marathi and Hindi.
I was not at all feeling comfortable because I did not know any of these languages. The worse feeling I experience because of the lack of languages is the feeling of loneliness and insecurity. So I realized that if I know these languages at least something of it I feel it will do me much good.
As a conclusion learn as many languages as you can for it is not useless I can guarantee at least to myself It is hundred percent useful.

Failure is a step to success.

Failure is a step to success.

Few bright people turn away from this phrase or quotation, for it is not naturally become success just because we fail unless we try to get out of it. For some it sounds as if all of us should fail so as to succeed. But to tell you the truth, these people will say it is not just that. Failure is one and success is another. So if we once fail, it’s fine there no problem at all. But we must want to succeed next time. If we want to succeed what we have failed then we need to work hard and recognize myself that I have failed in this or that attempt.
So failure become a step to success only and only if one wants not to fail again. If he or she is content with the failures, then it will become failure is a step to failure not at all to success.

ears ago, I feel that what we are reading and what we are preaching makes no sense without having a strong faith on that very word itself “ask and you will receive.” It will therefore bear fruit if and only if we ask and seek with strong eady and will be ready to be a teacher in my life.

Ask and you will receive!

Ask and you will receive!

It’s a verse taken from the Gospel of Mathew. A pagan friend of mine lost his dearest sister when she was just eight year old he came to me barking and telling me that you Christian preach the words of God and proclaim to many of us in the village that whoever asks what he or she needs will receive. But look at our family, at my parents we prayed to God to help and cure my sister, but nothing turned up to be better.  I was quite and just did not know what to say for at that very moment it is not so easy to talk about the resurrection of the incarnate spirit.

When I reflect at that scene that happened years ago, I feel that what we are reading and what we are preaching makes no sense without having a strong faith on that very word itself “ask and you will receive.” It will therefore bear fruit if and only if we ask and seek with strong eady and will be ready to be a teacher in my life.

Teaching is not a job, it's a vocation.

Teaching is not a job, it’s a vocation

From the start of my schooling, I have never understood fully about the role of the teachers. Whenever I met them on the way I just wished them spontaneously but had never understood how much they have labored to help me and my friends. This sick mentality remains on in me till this very moment. I, many times take for granted regarding the role of each teacher in the college I am studying. Truly I have never understood fully until I myself get chance to act as a teacher. These days we are having a course on principle and method of teaching (PMT). It was so true that the course demanded from us to learn the principles and methods from the professor and then put the things we have learnt into practice. So at the heat of the preparation for the class as a teacher, I realize that this is how ones need to be if he or she is to be a teacher. At the same time I remember all my teachers past and present who in many ways help me through their sacrifices. As I am preparing for the two days of classes with my brethren and with the help of Bro. Assistant I realize and even have the guts to voice it out that “Teaching is not a Job, It’s a vocation.”
So if it is a vocation then, “come what may.” I am ready and will be ready to be a teacher in my life.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Lord Give me that peace.

Lord Jesus gives me that peace!

Lord Jesus when I look at you,
I don’t further know what to do.
I feel peace, joy and the absence of pain.
Nevertheless; I find it difficult to explain.

I believe that you present everywhere,
You present here and also out there.
It is no wrong therefore to spend time wherever I feel please,
But the fact is, ‘away from the picture of yours I don’t have peace.’

I feel happy to wonder the beauty of nature,
And to experience that you are there.
But at the end of the appointed time I don’t feel free.
In fact my heart remains, empty.

In some way what our Reverence said hold true,
Only and only in the chapel will I find you.
However I can’t conclude that you are only in the chapel,
You are omnipresence or you present everywhere.

Lord Jesus gives me always that peace and joy,
And help me to make you known to the boys.
Stay with me Jesus wherever I am,
And may in my lives your kingdom come.

Gospel Reflection.


JESUS CALLED THE PEOPLE AND HIS DISCIPLES TO HIM AND SAID, ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me.’

This verse goes along very well with these phrases.
No cross, no crown.
No pain, no gain.
He that will have the fruit must climb the tree.
He who would gather honey must bear the sting of the bees.

It seems to very much apply only for the religious and clergy. Superficially yes but totally no. This verse invites all Christians to understand the beauty of hardship and suffering that each of us face in our daily lives and to transform it into a great wonderful glory.

The Final Mystey

The final mystery!

One day a pious brother who led the rosary completed the fifth glorious mystery by announcing thus, “and the final mystery is the coronation.” Many were amazed by his new method of concluding the mysteries and few didn’t realize what was going on during that particular time. A guy who walked side by side with him was taken up by his display of uniqueness and so this inspired him to do the same when his turn of leading the rosary came.

Two days after his turn comes when we reached in the third mystery he said, “in the quarter final, let us contemplate upon the Nativity.” And on the fourth mystery he announced this is the semi final, “the presentation.” So pray hard so that we can win and reach the final mysteries and of course to catch Jesus wherever he may be!


The day for their accompaniment came and so the good-for-nothing fellow went up to accompany the piano. To everyone surprise he played marvelously well to the point that this top-most musician in the community adore him in his heart. When the mass is over this musician who was considered by the community as the best of all bowed down and said, “I am so sorry for not accepting you as you are.” I am happy to be with you during the accompaniment. Then this new musician, “the considered to be good-for-nothing fellow,” said, “You see presumption do not always give correct evidence.

Presumption doesn't always give correct evidence

Presumption doesn’t always give correct evidence.

A cleric who was considered by many as a good for nothing was so delighted to see his dearest name in the list for the accompaniment in the chapel during the liturgical services. The assistant of the community usually arranged for two clerics. One was to accompany the guitar and the other was for the piano. The other guy who was considered by many as a top-most musician got discouraged to have seen that he supposed to play together with this good-for- nothing fellow. As usual their term to accompany in the chapel came. A top-most musician went to the chapel a night before. He tuned the guitar to the equal tune of the piano. He fixed the number in the board and the “considered to be good-for-nothing fellow did not come to help him. He waited for almost an hour but this guy didn’t show up. Out of frustration, the top-most musician left the chapel and angrily went to bed.

The day for their accompaniment came and so the good-for-nothing fellow went up to accompany the piano. To everyone surprise he played marvelously well to the point that this top-most musician in the community adore him in his heart. When the mass is over this musician who was considered by the community as the best of all bowed down and said, “I am so sorry for not accepting you as you are.” I am happy to be with you during the accompaniment. Then this new musician, “the considered to be good-for-nothing fellow,” said, “You see presumption do not always give correct evidence.

a weird definition of life

Life is not like a rubik's cube wherein we can solve matter just only with a given formula.

Mother Mary, "My Vocation Promotor."

Mother Mary, “My vocation promotor.”

I did my elementary and secondary studies in my parish school. When I was in class seven I wanted to join the Salesian, however my parents, teachers and the parish priests of my parish, suggested that I should join after my matriculation. I got annoyed and convert myself into one amongst those boys who performed illegal acts that was not applicable for the boarders. Almost every first Friday of the month my mother came to visit me and told me that she was praying for me asking the blessed virgin to help me on my studies and in my life.

Three years after experiencing those entire cow boys’s life, I again felt the call within me nevertheless; it gave me no peace unless I respond to it.

After class ten I expressed this desire to my parents and to my parish priest. They told me to consider about it. I without hesitation left all things even though it was difficult. A big word of thanks to our Lady and I do believe that it was the Blessed Virgin Mary who called me and is calling me to the congregation and to this ways of life.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Shower him your blessing dearest Lord.

Shower him your blessing dearest Lord.

The next day after the day of the passion of Christ, a well-played musician who belonged to the fraternity congregation was asked by the prayer leader to accompany in singing during vespers. It was then Saturday, the evening of the Easter vigil. Taking for granted for he thought that he will manage the show he took off the guitar with him to the chapel without checking it out the hymn he supposed to play. So after the usual leading, “O Lord comes to our aid and glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be word without end. Amen alleluia. He beat and strums the guitar to his content with a perfect timing but for the up to date wrong hymn.

The assembly was shocked and so a soft commotion was going on for they realize that he played wrongly. A shy disciple whose seat was right in the corner stood up and said’ “Dearest Lord shower your blessing upon him for he did not know what he is playing/doing.”

The three intentions for our Holy Father.

The three intentions for our Holy Father!

A humble brat came to visit his brother in the seminary. He had strong faith in the Lord. So he hardly put out a pray of petition in an increasing volume and he is so convince that the Lord heard our pray and He usually knew it before we could actually voice it out.

In the evening he joined the community in praying the rosary. He was shocked to realize that many clerics whom we consider as confreres walked along the path like those guys who had just finished the whole magnum of whisky. To make the situation worse three pious and active confreres continuously asked our blessed mother to intercede for our Holy Father for three times. This poor brat was amazed and then he asked the lord his favor, “Dear Lord first of all wake them up and then be kind enough to grant their wish for it seem extremely necessary for them!”

I love you this much mother.

A six years old boy named Archesz was once asked by his mother to attend the catechism class that was held every Sunday in their parish. When he returns home his mother asked him whether or not he manage to grasp the teaching of the teacher. To his joyful mood he said yes! And he told that the teacher elaborate something on the famous topic “LOVE.” So his mother asked him,” my dear son do you love me? If yes, then how much do you love me?
Filled with joy Archesz said yes mommy and then at that very moment he stretch out his hand like Jesus who died and suffered for us on the cross and said “Mommy I love you this much.”

His mother was amazed by his holiness and thoughtful behavior up to the point that she sent him to the seminarian to become a priest.

A smart ass!

A smart ass!

A boy, who was considered by many as a smart ass, wrote a short article. The assistants of the boarding who was in charge of correction and proof reading found out that his handwriting, his grammar and the flow of his idea was just horrible. So, not to offend the boy the assistants indirectly wrote a comment at the bottom of the page, “A boy whose writing is like this cannot wear with any shoes he wishes to!” 

It's extremely necessary!

It’s extremely necessary!

One pious brother intentionally prayed for the youth he encountered in the apostolate. As usual the response of the community was “Lord hears our prayer.” Immediately after his prayer of petition and without expectations another holier brother prayed the same intention. So when he concludes with the “let us pray to the Lord!”  The assembly responded, “It’s extremely necessary Lord that’s why he made it for the second time!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

God is with me.

God is with me.

My being is happy with the Lord,
My whole existence dances and rejoices in God.
For he calls me and will later sends me,
To work for the poor and the needy.

I doubt, wonder, fear and trembling,
I even don’t know what I am doing.
My soul pulls me to love and to praise,
And my conscience tells me that God will show his ways.

He loves and protects me.
Free me from hardship and weary.
He leads me to milky posture,
For his love is within me forever.

Sometimes I question hi existence,
Like few young men.
But I came to the realization,
That he is the God of creation.

If he is the god of creation,
Then I have less option.
For, he alone has created me,
With love, and make me happy.

He is my Lord my god my master,
Him alone shall I serve forever.
No mater what or come what may
I will journey and work on this way.

The way to religious consecration,
Give me joy and fulfillment.
So I glorify the Lord God my savior, forever and ever. Amen

What is the language of God?

What is the language of God?

It is obvious that God do not talk to us face to face in human form. However many spiritual fathers preach out a loud to our heart and let us know that the voice of God can be heard through the language whisper to us by our brothers.
I am not so convince with these idea. Nevertheless I can not ignore it either. For me the language of God is “Conscience.” I remember St. John Bosco our father and founder once asked the question on conscience to his first benefactor Rev. Father Calosso. This pious priest directly answered to him that conscience is the voice of God.
From that time on till now what always remains in my mind is simply this, “the language of God or the voice of God is conscience.
It is a big topic to discuss upon. However at this point of time I will end over here so as to leave few spaces for pondering and reflection
Therefore the present question is “what is conscience according to me?
Is it really a voice of God?”

The three points of our Rector!

The three points of our Rector

The moment I see my rector,
I remember the three points he often tells us after night prayer.
Especially before the birthday of a confrère,
That he use to delivers.

His three points make us happy,
Even though we are dosing and feel sleepy,
In fact it is a great help for many,
Because they can use his three points in their ministry.

The latest three points are crystal clear,
It’s about the qualities of Bishop Lourdes Daniel.
The 1st one is humility,
And the 2nd and the 3rd are simplicity and ever ready.

I wrote this, not because I am a critic,
Because I came to know that each one is special and unique.
However it is better to ponder upon,
May be his three points or the many points of others may mould me into a better person.

I love you this much mother.

I love you this much momma!

A six years old boy named Archesz was once asked by his mother to attend the catechism class that was held every Sunday in their parish. When he returns home his mother asked him whether or not he manage to grasp the teaching of the teacher. To his joyful mood he said yes! And he told that the teacher elaborate something on the famous topic “LOVE.” So his mother asked him,” my dear son do you love me? If yes, then how much do you love me?
Filled with joy Archesz said yes mommy and then at that very moment he stretch out his hand like Jesus who died and suffered for us on the cross and said “Mommy I love you this much.”

His mother was amazed by his holiness and thoughtful behavior up to the point that she sent him to the seminarian to become a priest.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Think twice before you advice


Due to the slight sprain from the left shoulder an old bra went to consult the doctor. Having reach in the hospital the doctor asked,” what is the matter with you old man?” to his simplicity he answered, “A pain from my left shoulder.” The doctor further asked, “How young are you?” eighty five plus one day the old man answered.

Ah…. That pain in your shoulder, said the doctor is because of you old age. The old man very impatiently said, “Common doctor don’t take me for a ride, the right one too is just as old as this left one.”

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Get started!

Let’s get started

‘You wanna be a good player
Start playing.
‘You wanna be a leader
Start leading.

‘You wanna be a joker
Start jesting or joking.
‘You wanna be a fighter
Start fighting.

‘You wanna be a bibliophile
Start to read
‘You wanna be win a race,
Start running.

‘You want to be a teacher.
Start to read.
‘’you wanna be a dancer
Start studying.

‘You wanna be a sleeper
Start sleeping.
‘You wanna be a good public speaker,
Start giving speech.

You wanna be an author
Begin to write.

You wannabe …..GET STARTED!

“All that is glitters is not gold.”

"All that is glitters is not Gold"

An ode of the death of the darling cat.  

Once there was a greedy cat,
Ate a posh meal and slept on the mat.
Adjacent to the building there was a pond,
And there a school of golden fish dwell from dusk to dawn. 

One afternoon out of curiosity,
A cat went to the pond to examine and see.
She was so delighted to discover,
A school of golden creature.

Out of greediness a cat made a diving,
Thought to herself that she would grasp the fish without struggling.
But bad luck to her,
She can’t swim, thus, she got drown and died over there.

The master of the house was shock to find her missing,
He asked to himself where my pet, my darling is.
From dawn to dusk he went on searching,
At last he found her in the pond floating.

This sympathetic cat teaches us a big lesson,
A lesson that we should take heed and listen.
To be brave and to be so bold,
I warn you, “All that is glitters is not gold.”

An elderly priest and a young Isaac

A thoughtful story. 

One day an elderly priest sat down in the canteen for a cup of fresh soup, which was all he could take, it being a Good Friday.
To his surprise he saw a catholic youth named Isaac enjoying a massive pile at eh next table.
Isaac: Father I trust I haven’t shock you?

Priest: ah; I take it that you forgot that today is a day of fast and abstinence.

Isaac: No, no. I remembered it so distinctly.

Priest: Then you must be sick. The doctor has forbidden you to fast.

Isaac: not at all I’m in the pink of health strong and kicking around.

At that, the priest gazed to heaven and said. “What an example this younger generation is to us, Almighty Father do you see how this young lad here would rather admit his sin, than tell a lie?”

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Is it not funny?

Two men were once walking through a field when they saw an angry bull. Instantly they made for the nearest fence with the bull in hot pursuit. It soon became evident to them that they were not going to make it, so one man shouted to the other, “We've had it! Nothing can save us. Say a prayer. Quick!”

The other shouted back, “I've never prayed in my life and I don’t have a prayer for this occasion.”

“Never mind. The bull is catching up with us. Any prayer will do.”

“Well, I’ll say the one I remember my father used to say before meals:
For what we are about to receive,
Lord, make us truly grateful.”

Moral lesson:
 We are not asked if we will play the game of life or not
That is not an option. Play we must
The option is how.

What does it meant to become a Saint?

Want to be a Saint?

What does it meant to become a saint?
To work, toil, pray, contemplate till you fall and faint?
Some say yes and the other say no!
If by chance the question pokes me I will definitely acclaim “I don’t know!”

Understanding the concept of don Bosco is best and useful.
For he said, “Holiness consists in being cheerful
Jump, play, sing and do not sin.” He further said.
Thus we cannot become a saint by withdrawing ourselves to the dessert.

The first saint who adapt so well to Don Bosco’s teaching is Dominic Savio.
He did not hesitate but just follow
Thanks be to God for this young saint
For following his example, joy and happiness we shall gain.

This is the response to the very first question
And all of us are called to achieve certain perfection
Not by remaining moody, serious and doleful,
But with joy and enthusiasms for, “holiness consists in being cheerful.”

God works in a miraculous way.

One Sunday morning after church service, god and St. Peter went to play golf. God teed off, He gave a mighty swipe and sliced the ball off into the rough beside the fairway.

Just as the ball was about to hit the ground, a squirrel darted out of the bush. Picked it up in his mouth and ran with it down the fair way. Suddenly a vulture swooped down pick the squirrel up in its claws and flew it over the green. A man at that very moment with a rifle took aim and shot the vulture in mid-flight. The vulture let go of the squirrel. The squirrel fell onto the green and the ball rolled out of its mouth into the hole.

 St. Peter turned to god in annoyance and said, “Come on now! Do you want to play golf our do you want to fool around?”

A modern Youth ( 2nd version)

A modern youth (2nd version)

With descent trousers and a well- comb hair,
The modern youth does care.
They want to be in the realm of beauty,
And they are sensible to their own duty.

He loves studies and wants to achieve his goal,
But the authority fails in their service to en roll.
They rarely loose heart when they are suppressed,
Because they can work hard and be the best.

They enjoy discussing prominent matter and social issue,
And exhort the government to act only what is true.
They want humanity to love in peace,
And wish that elders should perform good practices.

They often receive criticism,
And many think that they misuse their freedom to the brim.
But they are crystal clear.
To the world they are the future.

We must be careful to judge,
They aren't dacoits.
Instead we must love and respect them
‘Coz they aren't ancient but ‘Post Modern.’

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Of prayers or of pray-errs.

Do I say my prayer because I fear that something harm will happen to me.

When I was in the boarding a saintly assistant put forth to me a question regarding my prayer life.
Bro: Maxz, “do you kneel down and say your prayers every night before going to bed?”
Me: “oh, yep!” brother. But...
Bro: “and every morning?” before the announcement of the “let us bless the Lord.”
Then I said, “Nope, I am not scared in the daytime so I just don’t remember to pray.

Oh! the word of the Lord.

More precious to me
Than all the gold and silver
In the world is the WORD
You have spoken.
                        -psalm 119:2

If only I value this
Precious word
Spoken to me how
Blessed and happy would I be

‘I wish I could!’

When there is a will there is a way.

Will it and achieve it.

Once there was a Tiger lived in a jungle. One day the Tiger couldn't find anything to eat and was raging with hunger. Just then he caught sight of a deer eating grass. Out of hunger the tiger thought to himself that he should pounce the nearby deer to fill his empty stomach for the day.  So he made an effort to pounce on the deer but he failed to accomplish his task as to deer was swift and agile in making his move. The furious tiger kelp chasing him till his energy got drained he felt exhausted and had no more energy to run any further.
Therefore the deer succeeded in escape and saving his life from the shrewd and hungry tiger.

Thus, “where there is a will there is a way” the deer had and urge to live it is due to his strong determination that he could free himself from the vicious anger.

So do will it and succeed it 

Each one is unique.

Each one is unique and special.
Studying philosophy is fun but it is not that easy,
Therefore it pushes and encourages me to study,
I don’t really know WHY and HOW?
But it keeps me always busy
I don’t mind doing it,
Because I firmly believe that with the prayers and support of my staffs, friends, parents and brethren,
I will do and complete my philosophical studies joyously and successfully

An unfavourable poem.

A modern youth

With hip hop pants and spiky hairs
The modern youth just don’t care
He wants to be called as the prince of beauty,
But has zero interest in his duty.

He hates studies and never wishes to be an Author,
But he likes travelling around and drink from Nebuchadnezzar.
Kicking around wearing red-dark goggles,
About his responsibility he never cares.

Talks of movie, enjoyment all day long
And like to sing and listen to metal songs.
He thinks he is a top shot hero
But his manner if measured is equal to the Grow.

He never pays attention to the teachers, nor follows the explanation of the books,
But he boasts of himself that he will pass “by hook or by crook.”
Thinks that life is just a burden
And he likes himself to be called ‘MODERN.’

what is life?

Is it not foolish to state like this..?

Life is not like a Rubik’s cube
Wherein we can solve the matter only with given formula.
In fact it is like a philosophy where there is no coherent answer and
Specific formula                                                                     


“God don’t stop men from sinning and
Men don’t stop God from redeeming. “


Monday, 6 July 2015

A goodnight message

Shut down your eyes!
log on some memories!
download some dreams!
save some joys and
delete all your sorrows....
have a beauty sleep to all and
be fresh tomorrow

Ethical quest

virtue lies in the middle
I can purely say that value too lies in the middle. But where is that "middle part" when some say, 'look at the consequences the end justifies the means!' others say , 'follow the rules and the rules will keep you'  others cry,  'follow your conscience and forget about the rules' others will whisper 'the only rule is to love; after that , do as you wish. But where, what and which one to adapt and follow. It baffled me a lot but i am so grateful for it leaves me time and spaces to inquire and to search out critically and reasonably.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

my favorite quotation

when the majority or the community or the group agrees on an idiotic idea. it is still an idiotic idea.

I am proud to have a blog

On 24th of June the day of my 1st profession and the birth day of three great people, St John the Baptist, Cl, Jacob and miss Monica moni, I , with the help and support of Rev. fr. Maria anthuvan Sdb created a new blog.
thanks to those who influence and encourage me to become media' partners. more specially thanks to Fr. Maria who hep me to accomplish this task after several trial
thanks and may God bless all of you.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015