Thursday, 24 September 2015

The Final Mystey

The final mystery!

One day a pious brother who led the rosary completed the fifth glorious mystery by announcing thus, “and the final mystery is the coronation.” Many were amazed by his new method of concluding the mysteries and few didn’t realize what was going on during that particular time. A guy who walked side by side with him was taken up by his display of uniqueness and so this inspired him to do the same when his turn of leading the rosary came.

Two days after his turn comes when we reached in the third mystery he said, “in the quarter final, let us contemplate upon the Nativity.” And on the fourth mystery he announced this is the semi final, “the presentation.” So pray hard so that we can win and reach the final mysteries and of course to catch Jesus wherever he may be!


The day for their accompaniment came and so the good-for-nothing fellow went up to accompany the piano. To everyone surprise he played marvelously well to the point that this top-most musician in the community adore him in his heart. When the mass is over this musician who was considered by the community as the best of all bowed down and said, “I am so sorry for not accepting you as you are.” I am happy to be with you during the accompaniment. Then this new musician, “the considered to be good-for-nothing fellow,” said, “You see presumption do not always give correct evidence.

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