It is from the
Gospel of St. Luke and it is the word of our Blessed Virgin Mary commanding the
servers in the wedding feast at Cana to do and
obey what Jesus will tell them this phrase makes think and ponder in a very
deep sense. I am amazed as I read the further verses that these servants just spontaneously
obeyed the word of Jesus without much philosophizing and questioning. I happily
found out in the following verses that their obedience bore fruit that is water
miraculously turn into wine. As I reflect upon it, an insight flush into my
mind and found out that Mary my Mother is always present in people’s life even
today and now. She knows what one’s community or family or tribes or society
needs I too came to the realization that I, a Salesian religious is like a
servant of those Cana time. I am one among many. In addition, our Blessed
Virgin Mary is certainly asking me through this message to obey what her son
Jesus Christ tells me to do. Hence, the question is what am I to do? Shall I
listen to the voice of Jesus and act in order to bear fruit? I feel yes! I must
do as a religious.
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