Tuesday, 25 August 2015

God is with me.

God is with me.

My being is happy with the Lord,
My whole existence dances and rejoices in God.
For he calls me and will later sends me,
To work for the poor and the needy.

I doubt, wonder, fear and trembling,
I even don’t know what I am doing.
My soul pulls me to love and to praise,
And my conscience tells me that God will show his ways.

He loves and protects me.
Free me from hardship and weary.
He leads me to milky posture,
For his love is within me forever.

Sometimes I question hi existence,
Like few young men.
But I came to the realization,
That he is the God of creation.

If he is the god of creation,
Then I have less option.
For, he alone has created me,
With love, and make me happy.

He is my Lord my god my master,
Him alone shall I serve forever.
No mater what or come what may
I will journey and work on this way.

The way to religious consecration,
Give me joy and fulfillment.
So I glorify the Lord God my savior, forever and ever. Amen

What is the language of God?

What is the language of God?

It is obvious that God do not talk to us face to face in human form. However many spiritual fathers preach out a loud to our heart and let us know that the voice of God can be heard through the language whisper to us by our brothers.
I am not so convince with these idea. Nevertheless I can not ignore it either. For me the language of God is “Conscience.” I remember St. John Bosco our father and founder once asked the question on conscience to his first benefactor Rev. Father Calosso. This pious priest directly answered to him that conscience is the voice of God.
From that time on till now what always remains in my mind is simply this, “the language of God or the voice of God is conscience.
It is a big topic to discuss upon. However at this point of time I will end over here so as to leave few spaces for pondering and reflection
Therefore the present question is “what is conscience according to me?
Is it really a voice of God?”

The three points of our Rector!

The three points of our Rector

The moment I see my rector,
I remember the three points he often tells us after night prayer.
Especially before the birthday of a confrère,
That he use to delivers.

His three points make us happy,
Even though we are dosing and feel sleepy,
In fact it is a great help for many,
Because they can use his three points in their ministry.

The latest three points are crystal clear,
It’s about the qualities of Bishop Lourdes Daniel.
The 1st one is humility,
And the 2nd and the 3rd are simplicity and ever ready.

I wrote this, not because I am a critic,
Because I came to know that each one is special and unique.
However it is better to ponder upon,
May be his three points or the many points of others may mould me into a better person.

I love you this much mother.

I love you this much momma!

A six years old boy named Archesz was once asked by his mother to attend the catechism class that was held every Sunday in their parish. When he returns home his mother asked him whether or not he manage to grasp the teaching of the teacher. To his joyful mood he said yes! And he told that the teacher elaborate something on the famous topic “LOVE.” So his mother asked him,” my dear son do you love me? If yes, then how much do you love me?
Filled with joy Archesz said yes mommy and then at that very moment he stretch out his hand like Jesus who died and suffered for us on the cross and said “Mommy I love you this much.”

His mother was amazed by his holiness and thoughtful behavior up to the point that she sent him to the seminarian to become a priest.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Think twice before you advice


Due to the slight sprain from the left shoulder an old bra went to consult the doctor. Having reach in the hospital the doctor asked,” what is the matter with you old man?” to his simplicity he answered, “A pain from my left shoulder.” The doctor further asked, “How young are you?” eighty five plus one day the old man answered.

Ah…. That pain in your shoulder, said the doctor is because of you old age. The old man very impatiently said, “Common doctor don’t take me for a ride, the right one too is just as old as this left one.”